Apologies for skipping an edition. The last week of April I was in sunny (and HOT) Phoenix Arizona where I attended ICON2017 – Infusionsoft’s Annual User Conference. This was my first ICON since becoming an Infusionsoft Certified Partner and I was so happy that it ended up being everything I had been told about… […]
Archives for May 2017
Part 4: The 5 Most Misunderstood Word Features…
Welcome back, to Part 4 of our 5-part series covering the most misunderstood features of Word. This feature appears simple to use but has a lot of hidden complexity that catches many people out. #2 Pasting sans fear Pasting text from one document to another? Sure, too easy – right? Hmmm … I’ve been around […]
Excel Magic – the Payment Function (PMT)
I will assume most of us have had a loan or mortgage or, if not, you’ve probably at least contemplated one. You know the drill. You see something you like on realestate.com, head to the slick calculators on the website of your chosen financial institution and either give yourself a fright or leave wondering about […]
Part 1: Myths that will hurt your business
Whether you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur or you have plans to be one, this 3-part series will help you avoid some major pitfalls. Did you know that 95% of consumer decisions are made subconsciously? Imagine how enormous the power of perception can be to a buyer. Combined with the fact that branding affects the consumer’s […]