OK – this subject is always a hot topic for the media, not to mention a Day of Armageddon for the Nervous Neds and Nellies of the world. So what really happens when your credit card is used online, somewhere in the world, without your knowledge or permission? Who pays? How are you affected? Well, […]
Archives for March 2017
The Word Hack you Can’t Live Without
Part 2: The 5 Most Misunderstood Word Features … In Part 2 of this 5-part series (you can read Part 1 here), we look at #4, the most prevalent of features in documents … the Table! “Hang on. Say what? But I use Tables all the time! I know how to use those – it’s easy! […]
7 Steps to Create the Perfect Formula, Every Time!
In the previous edition of The Dossier, we debunked the Excel Myth: “… to be skilled at using Excel, you must be a math head”. Now I will share with you, my proven recipe for creating the perfect formula – every time. The recipe works no matter whether the formula is simple or complex. Secret […]
3 Steps to WOW
OK, so you have ATTRACTED your potential clients. You have NURTURED them to become HOT buyers. Now, how do you WOW them so that they tell everyone they know about you? Good question – let’s dive in! 1) Uber Personalisation We all know what it feels like to receive a generic letter from a business. […]
High School Reunions: Lessons I’ve Learned
On Saturday, I received a Facebook message from one of my high school friends entitled: “No! Not 30!” I thought this was a bit odd. Like me, her 30th birthday came and went a few years back… It wasn’t until I opened the message that I realised it was something much more surprising: Our 30th High […]